Martin Pechlát

After studying at a secondary industrial school, he studied acting at the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre of the DAMU. Immediately after school, he joined the Klicpera Theatre in Hradec Králové and later the Pražské komorní divadlo (Prague Chamber Theatre), where he worked under the direction of Dušan David Pařízek and David Jařab until the theatre’s closure in 2012 and played a number of important dramatic roles. In 2009, he won the Thalia Award and the Alfréd Radok Award for the role of Goebbels in Goebbels/Baarová, which he also received in 2011 for his portrayal of Andreas Karták in The Legend of St. Drunk. In the 2012/2013 season he became part of the National Theatre. He is currently a freelance actor and one of the most sought-after actors in the Czech theatre, television and film scene.



P. Handke - Zdeněk Adamec + Self-Accusation, 2021

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