The Seagull
“If ever you have need of my life, then come and take it.“
A young girl grows up on a lake shore. And a young boy loves her to death. In the parlour of a country manor house, seven characters meet, talking, sharing silence, thinking… And time passes in empty conversations and unfulfilled desires as slowly as a sinking ship.
Chekhov’s iconic play develops the theme of unrequited love and amorous conflict, as well as an artistic dispute between the young, hopeful, experimental generation and the ageing, legendary one. Despite the play’s age, it is still a vibrant text, which, directed by Jiří Havelka, comes to life in the striking scenic design of scenographer Dáda Němeček.
Warning: the scenic effect may cause dizziness.
100 minutes without interval
director / Jiří Havelka
translation / Leoš Suchařípa
dramaturgy / Dora Štědroňová
set design / Dáda Němeček
costumes / Josefína Bakošová
music / Martin Hůla
Irina Arkadina / Jana Plodková
Konstantin Treplev / Vojtěch Vondráček
Nina Zarechnaya / Johana Matoušková
Boris Trigorin / Jiří Vyorálek
Masha / Kateřina Císařová
Pyotr Sorin / Jakub Žáček
Yevgeny Dorn / Jiří Černý
contrabassist / Tomáš Pospíšil
March 20th, 2024