„Fuck that. We need special effects on stage.“
This original production of the Mikulášek – Štědroňová creative tandem focuses on the topic of actors’ life, playing and pretending. Theatre itself is the theme and topic. How many personalities can actors hold, and how do they bear the consequences? Is a career in acting a dream come true? Is the director really always right? What is and isn’t allowed on stage? Why should children and pets never make theatre? These and many other anecdotes from the backstage world of the theatre.
warning: cigarettes
90 without interval
director / Jan Mikulášek
dramaturgy / Dora Štědroňová
set and costumes / Marek Cpin
Hamlet / Jana Plodková
Hamlet / Petr Čtvrtníček
Hamlet / Jiří Vyorálek
Hamlet / Miloslav König
Hamlet / Jakub Žáček
Hamlet / Vojtěch Vondráček
Hamlet / Václav Vašák
November 13th and 14th, 2015
- 2019 – Festival MITEM, Budapest (Hungary)
- 2018 – Festiwal Konfrontacje Teatralne, Lublin (Poland)