God in Las Vegas
“What happened in Vegas stays in Vegas.”
In 1968, a group of Czechoslovak musicians, singers and entertainers left for a six-month artistic engagement in the United States. The Czechoslovak State Choir of Song and Dance, the Black Theatre, a comic duo, Laterna Magika and the then twenty-nine-year-old Karel Gott and his band perform several times a day at The Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. It is a showcase of the best of contemporary Czechoslovakia, and for many participants a dream come true in the form of a trip to a distant and free America. But has it really come true? What did the artists learn, what did they gain and what did they lose?
The production is based on contemporary materials and on the memories of the participants of a six-month foreign engagement. How did the American public react to the guest artists? With what ideas did the Czechoslovaks fly across the ocean and to what extent did they come true? How do the artists recall the event itself and what has remained rather forgotten?
100 minutes without interval
directors / Petr Erbes and Boris Jedinák
set and costumes / Dragan Stojčevski
music / Tomáš Procházka
movement cooperation / Dora Sulženko Hoštová
Antonín Šůra / Michal Bednář
Jiří Středa / Václav Vašák
Karel Gott / Kateřina Císařová
Rudolf Rokl / Miloslav König
Ladislav Štaidl / Vojtěch Vondráček
Lisa Medford / Anežka Kubátová
Jindra Horová / Magdaléna Sidonová
Eva Bosáková / Dita Kaplanová
Eva Bosáková (mladší já) / Magdaléna Nováková nebo Josefína Nováková nebo Emílie Smolová
July 5th, 2024