Michel Houellebecq and Bernard-Henri Lévy

Public Enemies

The dialogue through letters exchanged over a period of six months between the popular nihilist and the leftist philosopher contains themes both deeply philosophical and humanly down-to-earth. The provocative clash of views raises questions about Sartre, Kafka and sex, about the relationship with one’s father and the political left, and about the existence of God. On the one hand, a depressed novelist with a perpetual cigarette in the corner of his mouth, on the other a self-confident, tanned intellectual – their divergent worldviews form a highly inflammable substance.

90 minutes without interval

director / Jan Mikulášek
translation / Alan Beguivin
dramaturgy / Dora Štědroňová
set and costumes / Dragan Stojčevski

Michel Houellebecq / Miloslav König
Bernard-Henri Lévy / Václav Vašák

October 27th, 2023

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